I aim to enable a group of young people to work as co-researchers on elements of the project. This is because I believe that young people should be given the opportunity to be active participants in research rather than simply 'subjects' of it. This is an approach which reflects the ethos of KWMC who encourage young people to be part of consultation and decision-making processes in relation to issues which affect them.
I will work with a group of young people, facilitating and supporting them to develop research and evaluation skills, for the purpose of evaluating their own and their peers creative uses of digital media technologies. My aim is to create a space for dialogue and a research ‘voice’ within the project for young people, one which seeks to articulate their interests, experiences and opinions, as far as possible, on their own terms.
In doing this, I aim to address one of the key objectives of the research - which is to identify how provision for social, cultural and educational development of young people using digital media can be improved. In terms of developing approaches and practices that connect with young people in more relevant and meaningful ways.