The research aims to explore how young people use new digital media technologies creatively in informal eductional settings.
The research is being funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. This is a collaborative project between the School of Creative Arts at the University of The West of England and Knowle West Media Centre in Bristol, UK.
Knowle West Media Centre, or KWMC as it is known, uses digital media technologies and processes, to help develop the educational, cultural and creative potential of the surrounding community. They also work regionally and nationally engaging in a range of creative projects especially with young people.
Researcher Profile
I'm Emma Agusita.
Essentially this blog relates to my PhD research project. My philosophy is that as knowledge production is socially dynamic in nature it is necessarily co-produced, therefore I would like to term the approach, process and context of this research 'participatory'.
I have a background as an informal educator - specialising in facilitating projects and activities which aim to enable young people to engage in learning and development using creative digital media technologies and processes.